I have a question regarding different playback than notation.
If I have a notation with continuation lines, I want the notehead to be just a black dot without a stem. I can do this very easily, with just hiding the stem and then adding a continuation line until I want the note to be played.
As mentioned fairly often regarding unsupported ornament playback, you can input your line notation (not sure of the terminology) and suppress playback. Then Add Staff and input the way you want it to sound. Before publishing, simply Remove Staff. The added/removed staff will still play back.
Very interesting technique, I will keep this in mind especially for unsupported ornamentation!
I just have a 12 people ensemble and it seems to me a little bit much to do, to notate every line in two staffs, one sound, one for printing.
I just figured out, I can just easily notate it all the way I want it to sound, then lock the durations and edit the playback of all the notes to quarter notes i.e.
so I work in a non destructive way and can make changes afterwards without getting too confused with all the staff lines.
Is there a way to quantize the notes in play mode?
If I select multiple and drag them smaller, I can only do this until the shortest note hits the target resolution. In most DAW’s you can just press a command to make them all the same length from their initial starting position
Dorico has an “extend-to-next-note” command (thanks to a request from Alan Silvestri), although I do not know how that might affect a custom notehead set.