Disable automatically showing chord track

Score editor feature request - I use the chord track in Cubase mostly to indicate (to myself) and reference a pieces overall harmony.

I usually don’t want these chords to always show in the score editor, but that seems to be the default now. I need a way of disabling them to either override them or not show them at all in instruments that don’t need them. Please consider this option!

This is implemented. See images for config:

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Thanks, that works, though its one more thing I have to change on multiple instruments that could be set as a global option and/or would be much easier to achieve if I could make changes to multiple staves at once.

But at least I can get there for now. Thanks!

I suppose a relevant request would be to change the default

I agree it would be good to allow changing the setting of multiple tracks (see also our previous conversation). This is something we are looking to add in a future version.

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From the linked post…

This. +1

Glad to hear this!

Hi @StefanFuhrmann,

Thanks for responding to my posts. I have a few additional questions. I’m working on a score right now and have 20 cubase sessions based on the same template, but I’ve made no score parts in any of them. Yet, most of the sessions will have similar instruments.

As I’ve mentioned in other posts I have specifc ways I want to setup the parts/layouts (no chord symbols, no sign posts, specific default quantize settings, etc). Is there a way to get that layout/instrument, set as I like it, into another session so that I may use those settings again with different music?

It seems that these settings might be tied to the midi region and not the track, as when I import a midi track that has the score settings as I like them and add new music to it, the score settings have reverted back to the defaults.

If there is no way of doing what I’m describing, it would be at least as helpful if we could save custom instruments (and pick one as our default) for all new score tracks.

Let me know if that makes sense, or better yet if there is a workflow I’m missing that can accomplish the above.