Disable folder creation with audio export?

Hello, is there a way to prevent Dorico from creating that folder “Flows from ProjectXY” when exporting audio? Or at least adjusting how it is named?

Can someone explain what extra information comes from the words “Flows from”? That seems quite redundant to me…

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There is not much option for audio export presently, but the team has improvements planned regarding file and folder creation and naming.


Hello, I’d like to revive the topic to see if any new updates on the subject are available.



No, there haven’t been any changes in this area as yet.

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Okay thanks Dan :pray:t2:

Hiya, just a quick / bump request for this. I’m currently working on a project with 40+ Flows and looking to export multiple versions of audio from each flow. It would be nice to be able to specify/have the option:

  • Not to create a ‘Flows from’ folder
  • Not to have folders created for each individual flow (which creates a whole load of file admin to move them into one folder)
  • Adjust filenames (e.g. in my current specific case, it’s useful to have the flow name in the filename but not the Dorico project name (which I then have to manually delete from all the filenames)
  • Gold-plated option - to specify which players/instruments you want in a specific export (instead of manual muting)
