Disapearing waveform

strange thing. Suddenly the waveform on a track disapears when zooming.
If I open audioeditor the waveform is there. If I close the project and reopen it, the waveform is back.
cubase 12 , PC , windows 10.
Any ideas?

Is it this?

I tried safe mode , no luck.
Waveform totally gone, but the event is still there but totally empty.
I will try to start a new project and import the audio from there.

I have the same problem in Nuendo. (Your description sounds like my problem, at least. :wink:)
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a solution yet. (And the possible cause for this bug I haven’t found yet either.)

  • Solved*
    Silly me :crazy_face: Pushed wrong button.
    Up to the right in project window , there is a small button to divide the track list (1.)
    And just under there is a another (very small button) that changes the size of the waveform (2).
    So I will push the wright button next time :slightly_smiling_face:.