Disappearing Kicks At End and Beginning of Bars


Odd thing going on here! I’ve made two columns of 1-bar drum set exercises. I copied the basic idea of every exercise into each bar using the “R” keystroke, and from then on I add different bass drum parts to the exercises (all within one voicing), which for most every note works fine. That is, until I try adding a kick drum to the last note of a bar (fifth note of the 2nd quintuplet), at which point it does two weird things: it does not add the note I tried to write and it also deletes the kick drum from the next bar down. It seems to have this problem if I try adding a kick to any of the exercises, provided it’s the last note. Attached is the Dorico file! Any help is greatly appreciated!

and here’s a video of the kick disappearing from #8 as i add a kick to the end of #7. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ejbgq0m91c2ot5bhd2wbh/Screen-Recording-2024-10-03-at-4.43.05-PM.mov?rlkey=v0rjctztv1llj1u9yeclzrvev&dl=0

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I have found one weird workaround. If I add a kick before the last note, then add the last note, then go back and delete the unnecessary note, it seems to work. Seems like a bug, right? Here’s a video of the weird workaround in action.

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I agree that this is weird! I played with your file (and created my own to see the same effect). A couple observations to add–

  1. adding a 32nd note at that position works correctly and does not impact the kick hit on the following measure.
  2. the same effect seems to occur for other pieces of the kit at different staff positions. When the following measure contains a tom hit at beat 1, for instance, adding a tom hit to the final tuplet of the previous measure does not enter the tom note and it removes the following tom note.

Sorry this doesn’t help fix the issue…but at least I can corroborate it!


thanks for checking it out and thus eliminating my alternative hypothesis that i must be a dumb dumb!