Disappointing expansion pack

Yesterday I bought the Marco Minnemann Studio Drums expansion, but to me is very disappointing. maybe its not well installed (althoufh I did it twice)
the patterns are very limited. I have like 8 main patterns for only 12 grooves, is this all?

The description does say 12 grooves. Are the 24bit recordings not that good?

Yes the 12 midi grooves I knew, but the amount of patterns and fills is very low

That’s too bad they made it that small. It would be nice if there was more detail of exactly the functionality you’re purchasing.

It says that in the description…

yes I know 12 midi grooves it say, but not the amount of paterns and fills
only one ‘page’ per groove

so where is main 3, main 6 and 7, main 11…etc etc?

I don’t known that one. But when you filter by the expansion, you should see multiple songs listed in the right side panel and each one of those should have it’s own patterns.

I know how it works, I have other expansion packs.
Count That is one of the Minnemann grooves (songs) loaded

The numbering system on all of the GA patterns is wonky.

I will agree for the price I would have expected more.

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