Discovered a cool, "hidden" option in VSTLive with NOTES

If you open MIXER view on main window and enable bottom panel,
NOTES are showing with higlights (if TimeMarker-ed of course).
So it can be used for some kind of script to FOH (or anyone who is sitting behind the main screen) :wink:
( @Spork can you allow “pull it down” narrower, just to leave … say 2-3 lines there)

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Yes, the NOTES View is shown in the Lower-Zone. The NOTES Tab-Identifier is missing. Then it will not be a hidden feature :slight_smile:
We’ll add it to the next version. Thank you!

… sorry, not possible at the moment. The minimum height must be the same for all main-tabs.

See you,

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BTW: would it theoretically be possible to render TRACKS view to BottomPanel while Mixer is on main? The opposite (TRACKS main, MIXER bottom) eliminates MIXER’s routing, M/S/E sfuff…

@Spork I mean >2/3 MIXER with controls and <1/3 (or 1/4) TRACKS for overiew “where we are”
Just for VSTL v3… or whatever.

… ah, I see. But the complete TRACKS view would be too much. The lower zone should be an extension - a helper.

… that’s good point. Cubase has a smart overview on top of the arrangement.

… wouldn’t such kind of overview (with a Playhead) a better extension for the lower view of the Main Mixer?

See you,

Exactly! Just to know where we are, (I personally dont really like that overview… nor in DaVinci resolve)… way too tiny , bit you are right about some smaller helper :slight_smile: