Display 2 different files in a split window

Is it possible to display 2 different files in a split window? In Finale I could do this without any problems. It was very help ful for me…
Thank you LO

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What platform are you on?

I think a split only splits one window/tab, which must be one document.

You can show two separate windows on different halves on the screen, of course.


I work with windows 11, but that is not satisfactory. With windows 10 your method worked quite well. Now I can’t really get the windows next to each other vertically. And I certainly can’t do it horizontally.
Thank you for your answer and regrads

Have a look at my answer in the german forum.

In Windows 11, you should be able to get two windows side by side easily with the built-in Windows Snap feature.

I think the FancyZones utility, which is part of Windows PowerToys, will let you arrange windows above and below each other.


Thank you Aaron,
I will test it.

Hello Aaron, the two programs you mentioned to me (Windows Snap, Fancy Zones) do not produce the desired result in Dorico. the screen is always split in the ratio 4/5 - 1/5 (see attachments). In windows itself, everything works as you set it, i.e. also divided into 1:1. Dorico does not seem to tolerate any other division.
Thanks and regards LO

You need to hide some of the items shown in the status bar at the bottom of the Dorico project window in order to allow the windows to become narrower. Right-click the status bar and deactivate some of the items listed there.


Hi Daniel,
this was the ultimate trick! Thank you very much and regards