Display time signatures all staffs

The time signature appears in the first bar, but does not appear on subsequent staffs and pages. I looked at help and found no setting that would display the time signature throughout the score. It’s looks like the only way would be to re-enter the time signature on every staff, which doesn’t seem to be something Dorico would require.

I’m confused at what’s not working exactly. I created a new project which is a string quartet, applied the full names and short names on the layout, has 4/4 time signature by default and then placed a 3/4 a few bars later, seems to be working correctly.

I think that what @BobS is asking for is to have time signatures display at the start of every system/page?

Yes, Daniel, that’s what I’m asking about. I would think this would be an option which could be turned on or off as desired, but I couldn’t find the answer in the Dorico help since it isn’t one of the items to select in the window that comes up when a time signature is selected in the music.

Interesting. I’ve never seen time signatures displayed that way.

I also have never seen this. A Time signature is valid till another Time signature occurs, no need to reiterate it on every system (FWIK). Can you explain more? Do you have some example in printed music? Thank you.

Never have I ever seen this anywhere, not that it’s ever needed at all, seems just redundant.

The handwritten arrangement I’m transcribing does have the time signature on each page. Since Dorico is so much easier to work with than Finale I figured that it would be an option to show the time signature on every staff. But you are all correct that it’s only shown when it changes. I never realy noticed it even though I’ve been singing and playing instruments for about 70 or more years since I was a youngster. Finale was so involved to accomplish other tasks that I never even thought about repeating the time signature.
So I did look at a wide variety of other music I have and found that the time signature was never repeated unless it changed.

As you can tell, even after just a few weeks I am really pleased with Dorico being much easier and quicker to enter notes, etc, and do other things. And the excellent community forum support has been wonderful.

I just thought that you might be able to hide the repeated time signatures in the parts but they hide/show globally.