DM2000 remote - Can't find bus/Stereo Out channels faders on DM2000

Hi all,

Currently moving from DM2000 mixing to “in the box” Cubase mixing using the DM2000 as a remote thanks to the “Cubase SX” template, the goal being to get more flexibility and access to new FX plug ins.

Everything works ok and is quite impressive on standard channels which I all see on the DM2000’s fluorescent channel strip display. As soon as I create a new track it appears and the related DM2000 fader jumps to 0dB, great!

However Cubase “Bus” tracks such as the “Stereo Out” track do no appear on the DM2000 fluorescent channel display and therefore no fader is allocated to their Volume. If I select one such “Stereo Out” track directly in Cubase its name appears on the DM2000 central LCD display and I can edit its insert FX and so on, but I can’t select it directly from the DM2000 or adjust its level through a fader. The same way, if I adjust the volume in Cubase, no DM2000 fader moves whereas they move when I adjust the level for other tracks in Cubase.

Am I doing or getting something wrong? Are you, specialists of DM2000/Cubase remote, facing the same issue or did you find the solution?

Thanks in advance for your replies

Hi and welcome,

I don’t know, if DM2000 is using own protocol, or any unified protocol. Mackie Control Protocol doesn’t show an Input Channel(s), but it does show Output(s) at the dedicated fader (MIDI Message PitchBend at Channel 10).

Most probably, it’s based on the protocol the hardware is using.

Thanks Martin for your reply.

It could indeed be related to the protocol but it’s surprising since the Steinberg/Yamaha partnership makes the Cubase/DM2000 integration pretty comprehensive, including access to Cubase plug-in parameters from the DM2000 and so on.

It’s more likely related to something I did not get right in the standard way of organizing the Cubase project window. For instance instrument tracks are actual tracks and numbered whereas the stereo output track is apparently not actually considered as a track (i.e. not numbered).
