Does Dorico allow a voice to sing not only with syllables?

Hi, I transcribe almost exclusively, ancient manuscripts from the 17th to the 19th century and have no idea what the programming issues are, so I am asking you who, I am sure, know more about this than I do.

One of the functions that is requested by a certain part of the performers is the possibility of listening (with the player), also to the sung part of the choir, which does not mean listening to syllables, but to the choristers or soloists singing the words themselves.

Currently, only one programme is able to do this, all the others are not, and it is not even a professional programme and in fact cannot be considered a decent result.
It would be great if Dorico could pay attention to these issues, I think all choir directors, both liturgical and secular, would have no problem buying it.

I expect that external programs such as EmVoice, VOCALOID, and (is it EW Opus) will likely come up with on-line or VST options that can fill this need before Dorico decides to take it on, if they do at all, with their relatively small number of programmers.

From what I have seen, synth’d vocals require an enormous amount of effort and experimentation in an area I am not sure matches with the specific strengths of the Dorico team so far.

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I, on the other hand, would hope that the programmers of the Doric choir library would address the issue and solve it with this feature.

Check out

In short, this is incredibly difficult, and I wouldn’t expect Dorico to add this any time soon. But what do I know…