Does loading drum maps actually work for anyone?

I am converting songs made with roland TD20 or Yamaha RX11 to play the roland TD50x as I update things. I’ll save a map as TD-50x, but if I try to reload it, that name never comes up. So with every song project I have to remap each all over again. I showed Cubase tech the situation, and he didn’t know why this doesn’t work either.

As well as why ‘edit in scores’ is always grayed out and can’t be selected in any project.


Could you attach a video screen capture, please?

I was just going to try to do so and save and load a drum map, but I see that the tech had me test saving on the desktop and now I don’t know where all the others are saved. typed drm into manual and only 1 occurence and doesn’t say. Where are they stored?