Does visual intensity follow any curves such as Fletcher-Munson?

Wondering if the display, which shows intensity of a frequency by the intensity of light in the region where the frequency is located, follows along with the varying average sensitivity of the human ear across the audible spectrum as defined by standards like Fletcher-Munson?

Would be nice to know if it does or not, although not absolutely necessary to know this. It might help to make better judgments about the sound content if it did though.

Interesting thought, but as a future feature request, rather than fix a mapping of Fletcher-Munson to intensity, perhaps a flexible mapping system whereby any loudness cureve could be set to a desired intensity or color, with the ability to save presets?

Basically each pixel intensity ([0…1]) is computed like this : it’s based on the frequencý’s power value in dB, which is stretched/clamped to the min amplitude in dB/max amplitude in dB settings in the Display panel, and then adjusted by the Brightness Curve setting (hidden setting that you can show by using the Display panel menu, and whose value is log2(gamma)+1, meaning that a value of 1 is a linear dB scale).
So if you have the following default settings : min -90dB / max -18dB / brightness curve 1.0, it means that a frequency power of -90dB (and below) will be shown as pure black (0), a frequency power of -18dB will be shown at full intensity (1), and a frequency power of -54dB will be shown at mid-intensity (0.5).

bottom line : you can play with the (hidden by default) brightness curve setting to adjust to your taste.

Aha! The little “hamburger” menu to the right of the word “Display” … lots of interesting parameters to tweak!