Dolby Atmos: importing ADM and listening

I find that there is a slight difference between listening to an Atmos session in Nuendo with the internal Renderer and listening to the ADM export in Dolby’s Renderer. Can anyone hear this??

Are your setups in Nuendo and the Dolby Renderer identical?

Yes, unless I’m mistaken. In any case, the Renderer takes the Master as it is and doesn’t touch it.

There is a lot speaker calibration and delays etc. accessible in the Renderer unless you’re doing that elsewhere. I personally have not heard a difference between them.

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Wasn’t there an upgrade to the Dolby Renderer not too long ago with some changes that affected output? Can’t remember when but this year I believe.

You have the latest version?

5.3.0. I’ll check to see if it’s the latest.

Update: this is the last one.

To my ear, it’s as if it’s compressing a little. And the width is a little different, I find. Not as wide as with Nuendo. Just a little.

Maybe check if Output Limiting is engaged in the Renderer under settings.