DOP - Process range


In Nuendo until version 7 (don’t know about 8) there was this functionality:

  • open an file in Audio Editor
  • open Process History for that file
  • suppose you have multiple offline processes. click on one.
  • the range in Audio Editor was moving, showing which part of the file was affected by the selected process

Is there some equivalent functionality in N10?
I can’t seem to find it, clicking on the offline processes in DOP does not seem to do that.


This would be a cool feature to have for DOP. Recently, while working on a long dialogue file, I had multiple areas where I would select and apply processes, but back-tracking to check which part of the audio file was processed was tedious. I ended up just cutting it into events and applying DOP it on the smaller events.

I would like to bump this thread. This is one of the main reasons I am still on N7. Process History was one of the best features against using Pro Tools, the fact that you have total control (or partial in case of RX) over the history of your processes. You knew exactly where that process was affecting the file.

Now I find Pro Tools easier to get in this regard. At least I know I have to back up the region before process. Everything is unique and commited to separate files.

DOP gives the impression of undoability, but how can you undo when you don’t know what you are affecting by that removal, or editing of process?

I started with Nuendo 10 and therefore find the current way better. I find it much clearer to divide the clip into smaller pieces. In this way I can immediately see where different processes have been applied. So I can go straight to the point and adjust certain values ​​again.

DOP has certainly advantages over the old way, no doubt about that.
I don’t think I fully understand your workflow. If I cut say a dialogue take into smaller pieces and apply a process on each one of them, they still share a common process list. How would you know which is which?
Or are you referring to bouncing to smaller files?
Actually if I hit Play in the DOP window I can listen to the selected process, that would be the only way to know what audio it is referring to. That would work in a take that contains unique, identifiable audio.

Bounce is the way to go right now if you need to manage your offline precesses.

If you apply a DOP to one event from a longer clip you get asked if you want to make a new version of that event. This replaces the original event in the project with its own process history.

You got to read it more then once to get the full potential