Dorico 4 IRV option Improvement

My struggle continues.

This is a completely different project than the one I mention above.
Horn 1 & 3:
– staff(a) up-stem v. 1
– staff(b) down-stem v. 1

Horn 2 & 4:
– staff(a) up-stem v. 1
– staff(b) down-stem v. 1

These are routed to the correct VSTs. The unused voices are not assigned to any VST.

In Play mode I see this which persists after a restart of Dorico.

The screen shot shows Routing to Winds. This is because after I collapsed the track view I forgot to re-select Horn 1 & 3.

Horn (1.1 MB)

I have been experimenting with this feature. On a regular staff without IRV turned on, unused voices do not persist after a save. Once IRV has been turned on, the voices created seem to persist even if there is no music on them and even if you turn off IRV and then turn it back on.

I can only assume that in your Horn example above, you did create these extra voices at some point during your editing. Once they are there, it is currently hard to erase them, particularly if you have assigned the individual voices.
The only way to remedy this I believe, is to create a new Horn staff, copy the music to it and then erase the old one. On the new staff you should find only the voices that you are using represented in the IRV lanes. If the individual lanes don’t show up for the voices, try setting the routing to a VST and this seems to force the lane creation in the PLAY window if it is not there already.

If I were to set up a file on which to write a new orchestral piece and I assigned each horn to a different sound, I would be very disappointed to come back after a save and find the voices/sounds eliminated because I had yet to score that part.

So the situation may be more complicated than you suggest.

I’m guessing it’s quite complicated and, though, I’m confident that the Dorico team will figure it out. It’s early days yet for the new playback system.


Derrek - Maybe that is why they persist, and I agree that it makes sense to keep voices that you have specifically assigned but are still empty…however, Leigh’s problem is that he has extraneous voices/lanes that he can’t delete on a horn staff where he presumably only needs one voice anyway. (At least I think that is his problem) Those extra voices didn’t just appear out of nowhere - they were created by the user. The only way to change that is to use a new staff and make sure the notes you are copying conform to the number of voices you need.

I’ve been using the IRV feature and it works perfectly and really is not that complicated providing you don’t create extra voices that you don’t require. As Daniel mentions at the top of this thread, this general behavior is not new. It would be useful to be able to somehow erase voice lanes that you don’t want anymore, but right now it is quite possible to work without that function.

[Aside to the main topic] Wow, you’re engraving Götterdämmerung? Do elucidate!


This was actually by someone else - I can’t remember who it was unfortunately, but I think they were making a suite from Götterdämmerung, with the Vorspiel, Siegfried’s Rhine Journey, etc. Pretty neat!

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maybe the project mentioned in the following link?

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It may have been an earlier version of this same project; the one I have is dated in my computer from June 2020, and frahasio’s excellent post was in September. Thanks for linking to this!

I personally appreciate this approach, so I would ask that Dorico not go back. Let’s keep moving forward.