Dorico 5.1.81 and NotePerformer 4.5.1 Oddity

I’m not sure what is going on, however has something changed in the way that Dorico and NP interact lately?

I have a collection of songs–piano and voice–that previous worked as expected. Now, in the Play tab, I am only seeing the audio routed through the first channel (port 1 channel 1) rather than both, although the piano says it is on port 1 channel 2. This means when I mute the voice channel, I get no audio, which is less than ideal.

I switched out to HALion Sonic by changing the playback template, and the mixer works as I expect (though this is not a workable for me due to the quality).

Hence me asking if there has something changed internally that would cause this?


No, nothing has changed, neither on Dorico nor NP side.
That behaviour that you describe has always been like this since NP became available for Dorico.
If you want to solo or mute individual voices of NP, you need to open the NP editor window where NP’s own internal mixer get’s shown and from where you can mute individual voices.

Thank you! I was clearly mistaken, confused, or likely, both!


(for those playing along, the odd “e” on VST panel near the gear icon for the selected instrument, NP in this case, brings up the mixer)

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