Dorico 5 Mixer setting up

I am searching for some help in a trivial subject of setting up the Mixer. My usual simple setup is: my tracks’ channels plus FX-reverb, FX-Multiband Compressor, FX-Parallel Compressor. All channels are routed to FXs through Sends and here is the trivial problem: 1. how to copy send levels from one channel to another, and 2. is there a possibility to set up a default value for these send levels?
The triviality of this problem demonstrates when you have 50 instruments in your score and in every channel the default send level is -∞. So, to set up the send levels you have to do it manually for every channel. In the case of my setup it means 50 channels x 3 FX channels = 150 times the same operation. So, if anyone here knows a smart trick that helps I will be very, very grateful for a hint.

I’m afraid there is at present no way to copy the settings from one channel and its plug-ins to another, but we know this is something that would be useful.

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