Dorico 5 Most Wanted

I would love if the team would concentrate more on the notational part of the software instead of putting so much efforts into making it also a daw.

things like (partial list…) :

  • SPEED (I understand all the explanations I read about this, but nevertheless, this is a very slow program in some areas)

  • Cross staff notes between any kind of staff

  • Straight flags drawing from beam primitives (do be able to do straight flags of choose your own angle)

  • Bracketed rests

  • Temporary 5 lines staff cues in any unpitched percussion staff

  • Courtesy accidental on tied notes from previous system/page

  • Dynamics editor to make any combination of symbols

  • Add an arrow as a possible ending for a Pedal line

  • Possibility to hide a group label bracket if there is only one player in the group

  • Revamp of the “manual show/hide staff” to have a more compact UI of the list and anchored in the right pane in stead of a modal window. Also add a scope to the function instead of the current reset system.

  • Lua API !

And my number one choices :

  • Automatic, dynamically updated and aligned “show/hide” instruments staves in facing pages

  • Revamp the horizontal spacing editor in Engrave mode to allow grab and move of items (or select opt/arrows) with the option the show/hide the underling current system of vertical blue lines. (I honestly get serious panic attacks when I open this editor in my dense orchestral scores)