Dorico 5 update - thoughts

LOL! Nope, listing the advantages of pitch-first input.

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We can probably add the option to stop receiving MIDI when the app goes to the background pretty easily. I’ll make a note to try and do that soon.


See this post:

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Got it, thanks for the reminder.

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I still use this workaround a lot. One drawback for using it for teaching handouts, is that the horizontal spacing takes on the properties of the blank slash notation, rather than the underlying notation. It would be great if there was an option to apply blank notation and keep the horizontal spacing unaffected too. (I described this a bit more as #19 here.)

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Me too. It’s a great! Thanks again for sharing it.

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A bit OT, but if you have MIDI foot pedals, you can program shortcuts to use them to control the playback in Transcribe. I rarely actually “switch” to Transcribe, because I can control rewind and play with my feet while Transcribe is in the background, and just leave Dorico in the foreground.


Love the double-tap for dotted notes! Brilliant!


Thoughts? OK…

For me, a new version should have a couple of new items that I’m likely to be using a fair bit and a whole bunch of stuff to make life easier. Given Dorico is already delivering 95% + of what I need, that’s a pretty stiff target.

Dorico 5 delivers Multiple Item Creation and an Instrument Editor. That’s two big ticks for me.

While I’m fascinated by Pitch Contour and Space and Stage Templates, I think the real meat in this new version is in the Improvements section. I recognise a lot of things people have asked for in there and more than a few that will make life easier for me. I honestly could name 20 or so but let me just go with one - thank you for the Percussion folder.

I’m on the fence on the Play / Notation issue. A lot of work has been done to improve Play and personally, I think it was all needed. There’s more to be done (there always is) but sure - maybe it’s time to look at Notation. Although personally, I think the Engrave page needs a bit of attention. Still very Dorico 1.

However, that’s for another day. This is a good new version.

Suitably moved.


This is very reassuring to read.


First of all, thanks @dspreadbury & Dorico Team for the continuous dedication and effort of making our lives easier! There are some genius new features included in D5 that I really love!
And while I do appreciate the new features and am absolutely sure that particularly users who focus on playback will be delighted, I have to admit that I was also hoping for a few more closed gaps on the notation side of things that have been talked about for a while now and where I had the feeling that these would be tackled soon.

These are:

  • ties into second endings (as addressed above already)
  • condensing staff label options (e.g. Hrn 1-4 rather than Hrn
  • more flexibility with bracketing defaults
  • condensing of auxiliary instruments
  • that this is still the default behavior for harmonic glissandi
  • more options for dynamics (allowing msfz, ff/mf etc. without workarounds)
  • alternative chord symbols for lead sheets
  • and of course aleatoric boxes and the whole shebang of contemporary notation

And while we’re at listing things that people want, a few one from the film scoring/orchestration side of things that I would find particularly useful:

  • showing tempo differences in tempo marks in relation to the previous tempo q=120 (+5) (if previous tempo was q=115)
  • 1° instead 1. for player labels
  • Tacet markings at the beginning of a score for players that don’t play in that cue and Tacet parts without needing to deactivate the players in a flow
  • condensing options that follow the convention of announcing changes in the condensing by arrows such as (see end of system)
  • long (tempo) markings avoiding to exceed the page margins in parts
  • percussion players being able to share the same instrument or differently distribute the percussion among the players in every flow



And the possibility to edit stem annotations beyond replacing the ‘z’ buzz-roll symbol. The fact that all the symbols are available but I can use exclusively one is mind-boggling.


I built a workaround with custom noteheads for that which include the stem symbol that you need . It takes a bit of fiddling around to get the placing right but then it works like a charm.


On second thought, I might not need this if Engraving Options offered:

  • control over the size of the triangle for major seventh chords and the half-diminished symbol

  • a minor-major chord symbol with a triangle above a minus sign (as Mark Levine used in The Jazz Theory Book)

I realize these can both be achieved, but not in Engraving Options. And it’s a pain to move them to other projects.

We all have our personal wish lists, but yeah, I was hoping for a few more of mine on the notation side too. Of the initial 20 things I listed on this thread (and obviously there were a bunch more by lots of others downthread too), I guess I only got #10, and sorta got #16 as I can have a Playback Template that doesn’t load a Space Template. My own personal wish list obviously didn’t fare too well anyway. :man_shrugging: Stacked chord alignment, local settings between parts and score for ottava lines, and Player names on the first system will all certainly be very useful, and the new Pitch Contour Emphasis feature seems to really make a huge improvement in playback with just a single click. I’d love to see more notation features in incremental updates or D6 though too.

  • Because it’s not a kitchen sink
  • Because it would cannibalize their other products
  • Because you’d get software so big and unwieldy that it would be good at everything but great at nothing
  • Because notation would now get only partial attention from the team because they have to support so much more
  • Because new feature development would slow to a crawl because maintenance and compatibility testing would become such a large problem

Why not ask why Microsoft hasn’t made one application that does spread sheets, text documents, data bases and presentations - same reason.


or if you use ‘K’ you can toggle this on and off, effectively turning off the MIDI input while you noodle/work something out?


IMO, doricolib files are certainly the way to go with your first point, and very likely the second too. It would only take a few minutes to do the first one, and then you’d never have to deal with it again. I’d have to see if the second is possible, but if you want help creating the doricolib file for the first point, just PM me.

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Yes, MS has really kept a lid on the whole “big and unwieldy” thing there. :rofl:


Well, we know for sure who has been favoured in v5.