DORICO : action on individual notes volume - marcato articulation

Is there a simple way to modify the volume of one given note on an individual basis ?
The marcato articulation has no impact …

You could use a hidden dynamic (and another to reset; or draw the dynamic change in the Key Editor. You could also edit the MIDI data in the key editor – depending on whether dynamics for that instrument are controlled by Note Velocity or CC1.

Thank for your reply ; OK but it’s too complicated…
I suppose that the articulations commands (staccato, tenuto, …) are suitable for that ; notably the accent Marcato but it does not act on the volume level. :thinking:

This is exactly what the tools in the Key Editor are for. If the instrument is percussive, using the velocity editor in the Key Editor should do the trick very easily; otherwise, you can use the dynamics editor in the Key Editor.

Merci beaucoup Preadbury … ; it’s exactly what i was wainting for …!