Dorico add dashed barline without impact on notes

does somebody know if there is a possibility to ad a dashed barline without impact on the notes?
Concretely, I would like to add in the following guitar part a dashed line after the third 8th note to indicate the upbeat of the accompanied song:

When I insert a dashed barline, the half note in the bass changes its appearance:

As it is not a real barline but rather an indication, I would like to keep the bassnote as a half note (and not as a tied note). Is there a possiblity?
I also tried to work with a dashed vertical line, but that’s quite some manual work and since I need it in many guitar parts it would be easier with the barline option.
Thanks in advance for your ideas !

I would use a 4:3 eighth-note tuplet in the downstem voice and then hide the tuplet and eighth rest before combining the noteheads as you presumably already have.

Here is the first step in the solution:

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Many thanks, Derrek, that’s indeed a good solution!