Hi there,
I’m new to Cubase and yesterday found that when I turned on Dorico the sound of the instrument I was using in Cubase was significantly changed, it immediately become very loud and the essential qualities of the sound was different.
Has anyone else had this experience? Can anyone help?
Thanks so much.
Hi Fiona,
Welcome to the Steinberg forum!
You didn’t specify how you transferred the part from Cubase to Dorico, whether it was a music xml or midi file. Either way, Cubase and Dorico each can load a variety of different sound libraries which then can be assigned to various instruments within your score. Each sound library will have a unique response to the notes played within Cubase or Dorico so you may need to do some tweaking to get them sounding the same.
I will guess that in Cubase you had selected instruments from the Halion sound library. When you open a score in Dorico, switch to the Play mode. (ctrl/cmd 4) Then select the “Play” menu tab at the top of the computer screen, then select “Playback Template.” You should see a selection of sound libraries that are installed on your computer. If you see the exact library that was used in your Cubase project, select that one. Otherwise, try each one until you find one that sounds most like what you expect to hear.
Thank you so much for your welcome and reply.
I hadn’t tried to transfer a part from Cubase to Dorico I had simply turned Dorico on!
The instrument I’d chosen in Cubase was a piano, when I turned Dorico on it was as if there were 2 pianos, one sounding just slightly after the first combining to sound much louder.
Do you have Cubase and Dorico open at the same time?
Hi, yes I did, I was hoping to record in Cubase a piece that I’d written in Dorico…
I believe the proper way of doing it is to export your piece from Dorico in a format that Cubase can import. MIDI for example.
Ok thank you.
On this occasion I wanted to play the music myself, is it not possible to run Cubase and Dorico at the same time?
I guess I could just print the music out, that would solve the problem…
I think that in CB14 the option to Import Dorico is added. I never used Dorico, so I don’t know anything more about this…
Ok thank you.