I just purchased EW Symphonic Orchestra Platinum. Instruments are loaded in OPUS. Dorico recognizes it in the instances. When i select an instrument in OPUS i hear the sound. When i go to Dorico and hit play there is no sound and no sound from my midi controller. It must be a midi connection problem which i always have trouble with. Can someone help me connect this up correctly.
Thank in advance.
Can you hear sounds from any of the VST’s supplied with Dorico?
How are the tabs in Play mode set up?
You should create a Diagnostic Report from the Help menu and then post the resulting file (that will appear on your desktop) here.
This sounds (no pun intended) like you don’t have the routing set up correctly. You are hearing the preview from Opus but no player is routed to it. Can you screen shot Play → Track Inspector or drop a small project exhibiting the problem here?
I have several VST’s routed properly and working. Omnisphere and all Omnisphere instances always go on Port 1 Channel 1. All of my other VST’s and (each of their instances) go on Port 1 and seperate channels. The only problem i’m having is with EWQLSO.
Okay, I discovered my mistake. I clicked on the sound i wanted in OPUS and heard the sound sample. But i needed to double click or drag it to left side to load it. Similar to HSO. Then when i selected the correct channel ( CH2) i now get the sounds in Dorico, But New problem— Its not showing in the mixer now, Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
In Opus, check which output channel 2 is going to. If you just double clicked the sample, it’ll default to stereo 1/2. Change that to 3/4 and click the “Unused” tab in Dorico’s mixer.
Ah, a million thanks. Output to 3/4 worked. Its now in the Dorico mixer. Thanks again!