It is his email address as in
Hi there, I had send you an email couple hours ago. But, don’t know weather if you recieved it or not.
Yes, thanks it did arrive, I will have a look soon.
Hi @westleyteng ,
your diagnostics contain a lot of Dorico crash files and they are all the same.
But they show a known pattern.
Could you please empty out the following folder:
and see how Dorico then starts?
Hello! I’m new to the forum (Windows 11). I followed the instructions on the thread you referenced. I can’t reach the DoricoDiagnosticReport because it’s more than 4MB. Thank you for your help.
Gérard (France)
Welcome to the forum @GUILLOURY_Gerard .
Please send the data directly to u dot stoermer at steinberg dot de
Thank you very much. I don’t know how it happened but the opening of Dorico 5 was successful again by validating the error report directly to Steinberg.
Merci beaucoup. Je ne sais pas comment cela s’est produit mais l’ouverture de Dorico 5 a de nouveau réussie en validant le rapport d’erreur directement à Steinberg.
Hi @GUILLOURY_Gerard , just sending crash reports to Steinberg does not fix anything, it was just a coincidence. Most likely Dorico’s audio engine just needed a little longer for the first time plug-in scanning.
But I’m glad you are now up and running.
I have the same trouble when I start Dorico 5. I see the message : “Dorico cannot connect to the audio engine” Other sotware like “Cubase” is working good. I work with windows.
I have createDoricoDiagnosticsReport . as an attachment.
oooh , I don’t know how to attach the Diagnostic.
I hope you can help me
Thanks , Cees
Dag Cees, you can upload your diagnostics file by simply dragging it into the panel where you type your post (provided the file doesn’t exceed 4MB).
Hi @Cees ,
and for the case it is too big to attach, please send directly to u dot stoermer at steinberg dot de
Dorico (1.2 MB)
Hi Ulf, Here is the "DoricoDianostics "
Thanks for the data, @Cees
and sorry for coming back a little late. Looking at the logs it does not look that bad, but could it be that you sometimes shutdown Dorico and immediately start it again? Under such circumstance it is likely that Dorico can’t connect to the audio engine. When you stop Dorico, wait a few seconds until relaunching it. Does that help you?
At regular intervals I get the message that no connection to the audio engine could be established.
This happens at irregular intervals, so it is not really clear to me what the cause could be.
I have a MacStudio M1, Sonoma 14.7.1. I have attached the diagnostic file. Thank you very much for your support.
Dorico (2.1 MB)
Thanks for the data, @Ulhati . I will soon have a look. Thanks for your patience
Hi @Ulhati , there are no crash dumps in the diagnostics, and the logs say that the audio engine is running fine most of the time. Only in the 4th and 5th last runs the log suddenly breaks off, which suggests a crash, but as said, the diagnostic report contains no crash dump.
How well can you reproduce that behaviour?If not so difficult, could you please launch the Activity Monitor and look for processes that start with VST. Is there the VST Audio Engine and maybe also some vstscanner process running. Also, please do in Activity Monitor a spindump then and post here. Thanks
Hello Ulf,
I’ve made the spindump and found three diagnostic reports.
Thanks for your support.
DiagnosticReport-Spindump (409.0 KB)
Dorico (1.2 MB)
Hello Ulf,
Thank you for your message.
I do indeed sometimes start Dorico quickly after I have closed it, because the audio does not work. But it often doesn’t work when I start it up the next day.
Today it doesn’t work when loading an MXL file but it does work with another Dorico file. ??
I have added the “Diagnostics” again from the moment the audio does not work. You might want to take another look at that.
Thanks in advance
Hi @Cees , thanks for the data.
In that moment, when you created the diagnostics file, you did not hear anything, because no VSTinstruments were loaded in.
(not 100% true, the DoricoBeep instrument for the metronome was loaded. So if you would have swtiched on the metronome, you should have been able to hear at least the beep noise of the metronome.)
In order to get audio back, you should go to the Play mode and from the menu choose Play > Playback Template and there apply a template.
How’s that doing for you?
Hello Ulf,
Thank you for your message.
No, it doesn’t work. I have tried all the templates.
The audio does work with the pieces that I have notated in it myself. But not the pieces that I have brought in as an XML file. Of which some who did it a while ago and now don’t.
I hope there is a solution.