Dorico does not apply factory templates

Hi, until today I had not tried the factory templates of Dorico because I use Noteperformer with different libraries but today when trying to open an iconica sketches template and the preconfigured ones I see with surprise that it does not recognize Halion 7 and loads Halion 6 with totally different sounds, however if I add Halion 7 manually I can load the iconica sounds? What could be the problem?

Dorico factory playback templates expect to work with Halion Sonic, not the full Halion 7.


Per Janus’s reply.

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I’m sorry but it seems that I have not expressed myself well. I do not intend for it to load Halion 7. What I intend is for it not to load Halion 6, which is a sampler, and it seems that even though I have blocked it in the plugins, it continues to load the sampler and not Halion Sonic.
After locking the Halion 6 and re-scanning Dorico’s cache and setting the Halion Sonic as preset The very tozudo of the Halion 6 still appears instead of the Halion Sonic