Dorico doesn't seem to play

I recently installed Dorico Pro on a computer that previously had SE (which was quite a chore) due to a new site license at my college. Now I get no playback. The green playhead just stays put and doesn’t advance, and no sounds are generated. How can I diagnose this?

I did try changing playback templates and the instruments in HALion Sonic change, but still no sound. Playback is initialized.

Not sure about the solution but you didn’t need to reinstall the program: it is the same thing but just opens differently depending on your license.

Is this with all projects?

You could try resetting your Preferences to Factory settings via the bottom of the Preferences dialog?

Hi @JonArnold,

please load a project that does not play back and then choose from Dorico’s menu Help > Create Diagnostic Report. The corresponding zip file please post here. From the contained logs and stuff I get a first overview and then can come up with more specific advice.

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Thanks- attached: Dorico (1.4 MB)

Yes, it’s with all projects. I didn’t try resetting preferences. I would have loved to not reinstall, but the site license code did not work in the download manager. Perhaps site license activation is too different.

Hi @Jon_Arnold ,
thanks for the data. Actually there is no sound because you have no audio driver selected. Please go to Edit > Device Setup and in there choose an audio driver. The log files say you have these devices/drivers:
Focusrite Thunderbolt ASIO
Focusrite USB ASIO
Generic Low Latency ASIO Driver
Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver

If I were you, I’d choose the Focusrite driver first. If that works , then also the first 2 output ports are used and displayed in the dialog.
With that in place you should get sound out.
Let me know how that goes. If it doesn’t, please send a fresh diagnostic report.

Thank you! I don’t have my Focusrite device connected, so I chose the Steinberg ASIO driver, and it worked!

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