Dorico File Format - Commitment to an unencrypted file format

I don’t think its right to answer that question absolutely - but most of the time? I think its a tremendous advantage the more deeply you understand the instrument(s) you are writing for - like the study you do for orchestration. Then you study again what worked and didn’t work for other composers. And that’s still not a player or master’s understanding. I think the answer is that technology may provide a better outcome for a composer that already writes great piano music

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This is an interesting thread, especially concerning AI in musical performance and composition. For me the beauty of both performance and composition is the individual element that each musician brings to the musical art. AI, as far as I understand it, amalgamates practice into an insipid commonality that for me is somewhat unsatisfying.


Indeed it may currently be used mainly in that matter. I prefer to think of it as a set of additional tools to use to compose and also to create realistic and artistic performances. that are greater than ‘mere insipid commonality’

I definitely agree with this assessment. In J Gat’s book on piano technique he discusses piano touch. Amazingly his analysis is still widely misunderstood and controversial. Tone production is still widely argued by many pianists. My conclusion is that an analytical understanding is much different than training technique to fit what the ‘ear’ of the performer desires to hear. in my opinion technology can aid in bridging this gap between an analytical understanding and training ones technique to satisfy the ‘ear’. Certainly it has limitations but I think it is very helpful. I think this is a possible barrier a violinist might have. In understanding speech most are not aware of the voiceprint of what they are vocalizing and how they are related. I would assert it is not in this domain but another psychoacoustical domain. of awareness. The kind of awareness sound engineers develop. in understanding the correlation between the two.

I am playing it safe and do not intend to investigate the file structure. Such activities contaminate processes used to produce intellectual property and open then up to legal challenges. Definitely appreciate your response. Thank you very much.