If you have all the Dorico fonts in /Library/Fonts, then you only need to install the “JSON” files into /Library/Application Support/SMuFL.
Note that this is the root level library, not your user account’s Library. Each JSON file should be in its own named folder.
The application “Font Book” will not be in your TM backup, because it’s part of the OS. Everythngi in the OS can’t be deleted, and will be reinstalled with the OS.
Replacing the application will do nothing to change what fonts you have installed., in any case.
Thank you! - Replacing the “SMuFL” folder in /Library/Application Support/SMuFL from a back up, sorted it all out and all the fonts show up correctly again in Dorico.
Hi, I have the same problem. Unfortunatly, I have no back up for my fonts files. Could someone share his fonts folder ? Thank you for helping
EDIT: I found the installer for finale fonts here: makemusic dot zendesk dot com/hc/en-us/articles/1500013053461-MakeMusic-Fonts-and-Licensing-Information
And for Leipzig, Leland, Golden Age and Sebastian, I found them on Github
Now I’m going to make a back up of my fonts folder!!!