Dorico-for-iPad Feature Requests

You should give the ensemble builder a try, as it allows you to add multiple players in one go. It saves a bit of time.

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Any chance we will be seeing baked in templates for common iPad screen sizes in the future?

We don’t have any immediate plans for this. I would assume that you are looking primarily for smaller margins for the purposes of Read mode, and that’s something we would like to do dynamically in future.

I just assumed there would be a swath of people who would want to design iPad-specific layouts now that they have dorico on their iPads. iPad presets would make this easier, but you’re right: it would essentially just entail smaller margins.

This was something I was going to request :slight_smile: I’m very glad you guys are so on top of everything. Wonderful job on the app, truly, and this update makes it a lot more valuable for the price

Would it be possible to have this scrolling motion when navigating through score with ipad for dorico?

I was working with the ipad today on a rather long flow in galley view and scrolling through the piece felt quite slow using fingers. It would help a lot of it kept moving when you release the finger (like for example this forum does when viewed with a mobile device).

This is sometimes called “inertial scrolling” and I agree it might be useful for the score view. We’ll look into it at some point.


Hallo - As much as possible, I’d like to not use a bluetooth keyboard. I haven’t been able to find a way to input dynamics per voice without using the alt key. Could there be a solution for this? Maybe a toggle on the input pop-up if I use that mode.

Yes, in general you cannot create “local” or staff-specific items without the use of an external keyboard at the moment. This is certainly something we would like to enable in future.

Oh that would be very nice! On the iCloud file share it would be helpful to have a ‘Revert’ option under the file menu to pull in the latest changes from the filesystem. I already bump into this using version control, I’ll have a file up and running (but unchanged), then will pull a new version, and have to quit and restart or close and reload the file to get it to see the updates.

i think here a gesture would be nice. A two-finger tap is common in drawing apps.

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Two finger tap to undo!
Because of using ForScore and ProCreate so much, it’s become second nature. I tend to do it in Dorico as well, with no effect unfortunately haha


Triple! Procreate user here too. Two finger undo would be great.

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For most apps on the iPad if you hold the Command key for a moment it shows a popover with available shortcuts. Something like that would be useful in Dorico iPad too.

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Unfortunately that’s hard for us to do because we’re not using all of Apple’s standard APIs. Ideally Qt would provide support for this at its level, but at the moment it does not.

Hello, friends! Is it possible to prevent the lower zone panel from closing automatically when I open the left panel (notes panel) on Dorico for Ipad

The panels close automatically, when Dorico wouldn’t have enough space to show them otherwise. This happens also in small windows when using the Desktop version. I don’t know if it’s the default on the iPad, but I think to remember that it also happens to me on my 13" iPad, so I don’t hink it’s possible to change.

thanks for the answer! but this does not happen on surface pro 6 with 13 inch display, so I think the problem is in the software

This is a deliberate design decision in Dorico for iPad, but perhaps for those users lucky enough to have the 13" iPad Pro, we should introduce an option in Preferences to allow you to choose whether you want this behaviour.

Playback of chord symbols. I saw on the forum that it was said as early as 2021 to be coming. I have only the ipad, no mac or PC, so it is important for me. While writing Jazz ballads, its very practical to not write all the voicings of accompaniment. If I could at least get any generation of midi out of chord symbols, I could have played it on garageband but no I can’t do that either.

Also utilization of apple pencil in the write mode: I know it was mentioned but its a shame to not have that since otherwise dorico for ipad is a very good, detailed powerhouse of a software. There should be some advantage to have that touchscreen, pencil combo setupwise and it shouldn’t be a hinderance instead.