Dorico is Regularly Forgetting Things I Set As Default

So this has been happening since the beginning of my working with Dorico a week and a half ago. It is forgetting my default settings. I first noticed this when I made a custom notehead set. It simply did not remember that it exists when I open a new project.It has to this day been locked only in the project I created it in. I edited the figurenote notehead set, selected figurenotes noteheads as default in engraving options, clicked the star on each of my note heads, and made sure the standard figure notes notes were not selected as default. But when I open a new project, Only a previous save is there with almost no work which I have done.

At a certain point I gave up and created a new custom notehead set in a new project. That one, Dorico does remember exists, it is there in notehead sets, but it only sometimes remembers that I selected it as default. I edited the default notehead set as my base. Sometimes when I open a project and I enter a note, it is my note heads, other times not. And when it forgets and I go into engraving options I see that it has made large noteheads the default again. This has already happend countless times. Dorico has also forgotten other defaults, like my straight flags on stems, the thickness of stems, and pssibly other things I cannot recall at the moment.

What is going on? Why will it only rememebr some of my default settings some of the time. My first notehead set which I spent many many hours on is locked in the one project I made it in. Why? Is there a way to propigate it into the notehead sets menu of all other projects? Thanks.

How are you starting these new projects – via File > New (or Ctrl/Cmd-N) or via project templates?

This can impact what settings the new project starts with, because project templates store data about settings etc.

You can also use the Library Manager to transfer settings and library items between projects.

The thing is I never use a template. I always click new and pick an empty project setting. But Doroico remembers my settings only some of the time wihtout a template. And my noteheads, the second set I made is always in the menu, but not always default. The first notehead set is not even in the menu except in the project I created it in. Are you saying I could export my first notehead set to other projects through the Library drop down menu at the top of the screen? Why did I not have to do this for my second notehead set? Why would my engraving options not be remembered when I click set as default? The main question I have is: how to make Dorico remember all things I set as default as default when I open any new project, whether it be in notation options, engraving options, or playback options?

Also, might I add, I wen tinto the Library manager to look around just now and the list of things in the center of the screen looks long, like it can be scrolled down, but there is no side bad to scroll down, and down arrows don’t scroll it, and hitting the PgDn button on my qwerty keyboard also does not scroll the list down.

Ah, I think this is the problem: if you’ve edited the “Figurenotes” set that’s provided by default, but left your changes un-saved as default (ie in the project where you made those edits, the star appears unfilled), then your edits will only appear in that project.

To use your own amended version of “Figurenotes”, you need to save your amendments as the new default for you. Ie click the star to fill it, after making your customizations.

I’ve just checked that, and it works here.

If you ever want to go back to what Dorico provides out of the box, you can reset the noteheads in the Library > Notehead Sets dialog.

As to why some projects aren’t opening with Figurenotes selected: when you save Engraving Options as default, that impacts future projects you create. Are you definitely starting new projects completely from scratch?

I did have the stars highlighted from the beginning on my changes. And yes, when I start a new project from scratch my version/edit of the figurenotes set is not there. When I go into figurenotes now in my most recent project. Only two of my edited noteheads are there and they are ones that I abandonned early on in editing that set. ALL others are totally gone, and there were many, because I had to have a different color notehead for each of the 7 letter notes. There were also glitches when I made that noteheadset where after I made a notehead for, lets say A naturals, I selected their duration, set the stems, and colors and all that, I click the star to make it defalt for A naturals (for whole notes for example). Then when I would press okay and enter a whole note for A natural I would get the factory default figure note for A natural whole note. In order for it to work, I would have to go and find the A natural whole note (the factory setting one) and change it to something random like triple flat, and only then would my A natural whole note appear when entering it in my score. All the while the factory A natural whole note figure note was not highlighted with the star, and my new one was highlighted with a star.

I was going to send you the project with my noteheads that are trapped in this project. When I opened it to make sure that that was the project with them, and opened noteheadsets I noticed that unlike with other projects, when I open notehead sets here I get a completely blank menu to start out in notehead sets, with not note heads of any kind showing. I have to go into the side bar menu on the left to select pitched, then figure notes, and mine are there. But when I did this, and saw my note heads there, and closed the notehead sets window, Dorico crashed. A soft crash, where the whole program freezes and indefinitley stops responding.

experiment 2.dorico (677.4 KB)

okay it wasn’t a crash, but it froze up for a few minutes and sent my computer fan into overdrive.

I have had this problem with a number of things in Dorico. I usually do “save as” to create new files. This is also full of problems, but I can at least be sure that the settings i want stay with the project. jw