I want to use Dorico XML in Cantamus or Ace Studio. I’ve got a theatrical piece with a lot of tempo alterations. All of the tempi are in the MIDI, but not in the XML. There is a tempo map in the XML, but with more than half the entries missing.
I’m hoping that down the way Dorico finds a way to export the complete midi tempo map in the xml. Given the proliferation of AI vocal generation tools, this would be very timely and very useful!
Thank you, and I’m sorry if I’ve bumped the topic or whatever.
We’ll need more information to be able to help here. Can you provide a minimal Dorico project that, when you export it to MusicXML, is missing tempo items? And can you please be specific about which tempo items you believe it is missing?
Thank you for coming on the thread.
The file I had an issue with had originated in Finale, was imported to Dorico via xml, and I redid the tempos in the Dorico file, and they failed to export completely.
In response to your reply, I made a short Dorico file, compared the XML and MIDI tempo output, and they match. Same number of entries, including some low numbers, so there’s no filtering being done by Dorico.
This is a head-scratcher. I wonder if there’s a way to clear all the xml tempo info out of a file coming in from Finale and start over with tempos in Dorico? I was able to reproduce the issue with a Finale file… but not Dorico.
Tempo.dorico (559.0 KB)
Well, don’t attach the project that does work as you expect
We need to look at the project that is resulting in tempos going missing when you export MIDI.
Not a short one… here it is… definitely has missing entries in the XML.
Sorry, couldn’t upload txt files, sent screenshots instead
01 Everybody Needs a Dream.dorico (3.2 MB)
I hit the same problem in these last few days, but not having to do directly with dorico. A complicated tempo map got normalized or quantized with the result that the musicxml material really did not in fact match the original. Not only were tempo changes quantized to a quarter note beat, but they were rounded off to the nearest integer.
For the OP, you can look in the musicxml file with any text editor and see the tempo changes as musicxml reports them. Search for “metronome”.