Unfortunately I can’t get any further. I’m not really good at notation, so please forgive me if I’m not expressing myself clearly.
I can’t implement the following plan:
I have several individual instruments in a song. I’ve now added chord symbols to the piano. I’m doing the same thing in another individual voice (strings). Unfortunately, it overwrites the chord symbols from the piano there. The chords differ slightly, so it’s not ideal. There are also places where the piano doesn’t play, but the strings do. There used to be a multi-bar rest at the beginning. As soon as I add the chord symbols to the strings voice, it splits up the multi-bar rest. But this should remain and the chord symbols shouldn’t be displayed on the piano where the strings are playing.
I want to combine the strings and the piano because it’s my part as a keyboard player in the band and I switch the sounds. As soon as I do this, however, the individual voices are lost. However, I would like to keep these in case I want to export the instruments individually.
Other songs: I noticed a strange behavior when editing multiple voices. I imported the files from a Cubase project via MIDI and went through everything and corrected what didn’t fit. A lot of what should be in the bass clef is partly in the treble clef. So for the corresponding notes, press the M key to get the notes in the bass clef. Unfortunately, it retains the voice from the treble clef. If I then want to change this using the V, some of the voices that are used in the bass clef are not there. So I sometimes have to generate additional voices, which shouldn’t be necessary. Does anyone have a solution? I haven’t noticed this behavior in the past.
Chord Symbols in Dorico do not belong to a staff; they belong to the entire system. One simply manages which staffs to show them on. By default, chords appear on the staves of rhythm instruments–piano, bass, drums(?). One controls which staves show chords first in Setup mode by right-clicking the Player “card” (not the instrument therein)to determine how to show or not show the chord symbols on that staff.
One can also show chords on sections of a Player’s part by creating chord regions.
Thus you can see that creating alternate chords on separate staves can be involved. For that, you should look up Local Chord Symbols.
Thank you for your feedback. The instructions say something about local chord symbols. I think that would be what I need. I let the piano insert the chord symbols automatically. Now I’ll do the same with the strings since there are no chord symbols there.
Unfortunately, the chord symbols are overwritten by the piano. The problem: A chord is different, so the piano is no longer correct. How do I switch the chord symbols for the strings to local so that the piano is not overwritten?
I’m not sure if you are just missing a step in the process but here it is:
Open the chord symbols popover with Shift+Q
Type a chord
Check if the “local” popover icon (the icon in the blue square) is already displayed.
If it is, press Enter. If it isn’t, press Alt/Opt+ Enter to close the popover and add the chord as local.
N.B. If you selected an item on a staff that has local chord symbols at earlier rhythmic positions, the chord symbols popover is automatically set to input local chord symbols when it opens.
Thank you very much this is it. I have forgot to press the Alt and Opt Key.
One more question.
If I combine the Piano and Strings (Because it’s a Sound switch on my Keyboard) then the individual voices are empty, but I would like to keep the individual voices in case I need the individual voices again. Is that possible somehow?
My english is not very good. I think Google Translate translated it incorrectly.
I mean the players or individual instruments under setup. I would like to merge these. However, the instruments then disappear into the original player because he moves the notes instead of copying them. But I would like to keep the players in case I need to export the instruments as individual parts later.
I hope now it’s somewhat understandable what I’m trying to do.
That makes more sense to me and I’m almost certain that there’s no way of having two identical Instruments in different Players besides just duplicating one of them.
So, I think the best thing would be to just duplicate the “strings” instrument and then drag one of them into the Player that has the piano. This way your original instrument (along with its music) would remain. However, you would need to copy any further changes you make from one to the other.
Thanks for your answer,
Unfortunately, duplicating doesn’t seem to be a solution either. In doing so, it creates a copy of the player, but all of the note content is missing from the duplicated instrument.