I asked this on Facebook and got one response that didn’t help. Read the manual on it and it didn’t help. Steinberg
I condensed my music from 5 pages to 4. There are no locks on the last page In Pages in Engrave mode. All overides are blank. I still have the last page. Easy fix is to print page 1-4. But I am thinking there should be a way to delete the last page. I have yet to find it. Thank you for your help.
Take a look at the top of the right panel of Engrave mode.
A red corner on a page thumbnail signifies that you’ve done something to that page that overrides the Page Template - likely you’ve dragged the music frame to make it shorter, for instance.
Page overrides prohibit Dorico from deleting overridden page, as Dorico assumes that if you’ve gone to the effort of altering a page, you’ll want to keep that work.
In order to remove the page, you need to remove the override. You can do that by right-clicking on the overridden page (or rather its thumbnail - page 7 here) and clicking Remove Page Overrides. If you have multiple overridden pages, and you want to remove the overrides from all of them, you can click Remove All Page Overrides.
I do not have that option.
First pic shows no locks, 2nd pick shows right click menu.
In the right panel of Print mode, what’s the job type set to? If Normal, the likeliest explanation is that you have two different layouts, one with overrides and one without, and you’re viewing one in Write/Engrave mode and another in Print mode.
Normal and Print Range 1-4, which is a way to omit the page. I would think there is a way to delete the empty 5th page altogether though. The page shows in both Engrave and Print mode. No locks present.
Is page 5 completely empty?
In Print - Layouts, I have 2 entries. Full Score and Alto Sax. Full Score has the blank 5th page, Alto Sax does not. So I am always going to have 2 layouts? And I just have to make sure not to use the full score? Do I need the full score or is that a default? Did I mess up during setup? Thank you for your help. I am one of those Finale refugees that jumped in feet first.
When you start a new project Dorico creates a Full Score layout and one part layout for each player. If you add further players Dorico will automatically add part layouts for each of them.
If you’re working on a project for a single player you don’t need a full score layout and a part layout. You can delete either one of them - whichever you’ve not been working with - to save yourself running into this in future.
Note that in all modes apart from Print mode you select the layout you want to see from the top centre of the window. In Print mode it’s the left panel, so that you have the option of simultaneously selecting multiple layouts to print.
Thank you for the help. I just need the repetition to get better at it.