Dorico SE key command for system break doesn't work

One of my students asked for a key command for a system break in Dorico SE.
I looked in Preferences, key commands, system break; and it says shift S.
I also made a jump bar alias (sb). Both don’t work as expected.
Can anybody help me out ?

Not sure this kind of formatting is available for SE.

You’re right, Shift-S is assigned but it doesn’t work. The Menu command also does not indicate it is assigned.

In Pro, it’s restricted to Engrave Mode. I wonder if you edited the key commands file and moved it to Write mode if it would work.

EDIT: I tried to delete it and manually add it to Write mode on my user level key command file. It did not work.

Thanks Craig_F and Derrek,
For myself : I’m working in Dorico Pro since day one…
No problem that the free Dorico SE version doesn’t have this possibility , but I’m wondering why the option is visible in key commands in the edit menu ?

It seems SE doesn’t have a distinct key commands file. The key command is restricted to Engrave mode which SE doesn’t have.

Is this still true? No chance to have a working key command for a system break in SE?

It should be possible in Dorico SE to copy and paste frame breaks and system breaks. If you have a Dorico project from somewhere which contains one of those breaks, try selecting a break and use the Copy command, then go to into your own project, select where you want it to go and use the Paste command. Some of the longer projects posted in this forum are almost guaranteed to have system and frame breaks.

I think it should be possible if you manually edit the key commands JSON file to put the Edit.CreateFrameBreak and Edit.CreateSystemBreak commands in the kMusicEditable scope, but it’s not possible to do directly within the software.

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Thanks, Daniel. That works!