can the notation score you create in Cubase 14, be exported in some kind of way, that it open’s up directly as a Score in Dorico? I’m guessing, that it cannot at the moment, except by exporting it as a midi file, but it would be good if this could be the next stage of evolution of the product.
However, from the quick look I’ve had at the video about the notation part of Cubase 14, it appears that the quantizing makes a better score, so maybe the quantizing that is done for the score in Cubase, means that if you export the file as a midi file, it will be a lot more like the Cubase score, when you open the midi in Dorico.
Also, another way around is if the Cubase score can be exported as a pdf, it should open pretty nice and clean in Photoscore Neuratron, which can export a file as an .xml file, which one could then open in Dorico. Which would be faster?- going from midi to Dorico probably would be the way to go I suppose, but when you want all of those staccatos and slurs that you had in the Cubase score editor, would these translate as slurs, staccato etc, when the cubase exported midi file is opened in Dorico?
Yes, it can be saved as a Dorico Project File directly from Cubase which you can open in Dorico, or you can export to MusicXML if you want to open it in another notation package.
Hi mcducharme,
thanks for your reply. That’s awesome! That will save a lot of time. Amazing!