Dorico version 5.1.8 will not open

it is supposed that this update would solve the problem of the “Wait for audio engine initialization” by showing and blacklisting the problematic plugins.
For me, it shows at first searching 10 - 15 plugins and then it stacks on the “Wait for audio engine initialization” for hours… continue to wait… continue to wait… etc
I terminate and relaunch Dorico and again the same…
I’m trying 2 days, 3 hours per day and Dorico will not open…

@dspreadbury any suggestion please?

Hi @Arionas1, one next step that I would suggest: post here the Diagnostics file that was saved to your desktop.

You might check whether a plugin splash screen (expecting a response) is hiding behind the Dorico splash…

Hi, Christia_R,
how could this be helpful?

Hey Janus, there is no plugin splash screen…

It was just something that has cropped up before… but I would still guess there is a plugin you have that is causing problems for the Dorico scan.

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I always had this kind of problem with Dorico but always after some time restarting it, Dorico would open.
This time I’m trying many many hours and still nothing.
I really regret installing this update.

See here for example:

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Steinberg should find a way, when there are problematic plugins, to show a screen with the choice of skipping each one of them.

Thanks Christian, I’m gonna post it.

Can you make a screen video recording of Dorico starting?

I could make a video but has nothing interesting to show.
Just these two screenshots I posted

Dorico (1.0 MB)

Does anyone know if each time I terminate Dorico, the problematic plugin will be blacklisted? Or it will always block Dorico to open?

I don’t know if this may be suspect, but what is silk service? EDIT: this is probably the connection to the License Service, so all good.


(from your Screenshot, @Arionas1)

It will show in the lower part of the splash what Dorico is searching…

I truly have no idea…

Well… Dorico will search the first time only.
After terminating it and reopen it, it will show immediately the “wait for audio engine”. If I restart my computer and try to open again Dorico, then it will show scanning some plugins, but after that again the same story.