Dorico with NotePerformer

Can Dorico with NotePerformer can be used with
other libraries besides Iconica Sketch?
If I set NotePerformer playback template it
automatically loads sounds from Iconica i think and I dont
see an option to change it.

By itself, Noteperformer uses its own sounds. You can use it to ‘control’ other sample library, using the NotePerformer Playback Engine (NPPE) app.

There you will see lots of different sample libraries that can be used. You have to pay for each ‘engine’ for each library.

I tried switching to other libraries, but the sound didnt change.

When you say “Switching to other libraries”, do you mean changing Dorico’s Playback Template to use something else (and if so, what?); or do you mean using NotePerformer’s Playback Engine app to control other libraries?

You have basically 2 places to look at.

  1. Under Edit → Preferences… (category ‘Play’)

  2. Even when set to default you have to set it in the routing under the ‘Play’-panel

That should do it.

Even when using NPPE libraries, one does not have to activate all the instruments from a given library, so presumably one could activate woodwinds from Iconica and strings from another NPPE library (if one owned the libraries).

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Did you download and install the NPPE for the other libraries?

I guess I am little bit confused, since it is the first day I am using noteperformer.

It works, when I switch my playback template in dorico to NotePerformer.

But when I open NotePerformer engine, to use it with some other libraries, it remains silent.

And do I understand correctly that Iconica doesn’t have solo strings for example?

Is there a chance that you’re mixing up Iconica Sketch and Iconica Sections and Players (and other Iconica products)? They are different sound files and require a different NP Playback engine. Dorico and NP supply Iconica Sketch for free. Other Iconica libraries and the respective NP playback engines have to be purchased.

Then I think I might be mixing up them yes, I have Iconica Sketch that came when I bought Dorico 5.

I also saw in the NotePerformers manual, that via CC messagges you can do more things, like portamento (C111,1), but that didn’t work aswell:D

And when I try to load my Cinestring solo library, I get this messagge

And when I open Kontakt as standalone, it is all there and I can load it without problems

When I open CineStrings from NPPE, I bypass Kontakt completely, but I do actually have the latest version of Kontakt on my computer.

What do you mean?
I have only this option

To use these engines without limitations, one has to own the Cine samples themselves and also buy the engine to run them through NPPE.

I own a CineSamples Solo Strings and every engine has a trial session of 1 hour, right?