Double dotted note

How to I input a double dotted half note?
Dorico always inputs it as: Half note tied to a quarter tie to an eight.

Welcome to the forum, @salc!

There are several ways to work with this (in part you’re “up against” some basic dotted-half behavior that has been discussed in a number of other threads).

The general feature to override Dorico’s default behavior is force duration (o), which looks like the “C-clamp” in the toolbar.

I’m assuming you already have some half notes you’d like to lengthen, so here’s a simple method using right-click:

Here’s the relevant spot in the manual:

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There is global setting in Notation Options:

In Note Grouping > Time Signatures With Half-bars change the first option to Notate as a single note.

Unless I’m mistaken, @Vadian, that will produce the dotted half, but not a double-dotted half. I believe force duration is necessary for that.

What do you mean forced duration?
Coming from Finale here. Very frustrated.
Thanks for reach out.

Force duration is a function to make Dorico notate exactly the values you choose. Shortcut letter ”O” or click the symbol to the left:

Otherwise to allow double dotting, go to Library, Notation options, Note Grouping:

…and what the both other posters wrote also!


@salc, the last two posts strike me as things you definitely don’t want in a public forum (that bots can mine). I recommend strongly that you delete them and contact @Vadian privately.

How do I delete them? Can’t seen to find the delete option.


(FYI: salc also sent me a PM to which I’ve responded)

To get a double (or more) dots in the current version of Dorico on macOS.:

After ensuring that Library > Notation Options > Maximum number of dots… is sufficient, as shown in the screenshot by @LAE, hold down the control key while clicking in the Notes Toolbox > Dotted Notes button. It is only by holding down the control key that you get the selection of how many dots as shown in the video in the post by @judddanby . You don’t need Force Duration on.

Thanks so much