Download Assistant is problematic

just now i noticed your topic, i just opened another DA FR and a rant.
DA concept is really a mess and a miss from Steinberg, they need really work on it and make an overhaul to this confusing and not intuitive program ASAP

Download assistant is very confusing for me.
wish Steinberg improve it already and make it more intuitive, more
like NI Access program.( sadly DA is one of the worse download mangers i encountered from music companies)
NI Access can download and install multiple programs in parallel,
it inform when an update available for program you have purchased ,
and its clear and nice understandable layout.
Download assistant was a good move toward steinbergs downloading manger, but it get no improvements on those regards, me as primary Steinberg product user don’t know what i have installed and what products have updates available and all products are cluttered together no matter what you purchased or what not ,and its a big mess with all those small windows and categories !
please make it already more user friendly like NI Access manger is, clear and simple !