Download Assistant not consistent

Hello everyone,

why doesn’t the Download Assistant show everything I own plus Demos I do not need to see?
I have Cubase 12 Artist and some Groove Agent drum-expansions and Retrologue Neon Drifts.
What I see in “My Product-Downloads”:
Cubase 12 Artist / Cubase 12 Pro (I tried out the Pro Demo, which shows there forever for what??)
and Neon Drifts. That’s it.
Nothing of my Groove Agent Expansions… at least not under “My Product-Downloads”.

Any hint? Thank you!

That’s just how it is - it’s aware of some stuff (I assume things that were activated by a Download Code?) but mainly it hasn’t got a clue what you own or what you currently have installed

Consider it more of a random list :wink:

Appears so, yes → Thank you!

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It’s not random. It’s getting more integrated with Steinberg Licensing over time.

no - of course it’s not ‘literally’ random but it’s not really useful in any meaningful way…

It’s logged in to your MySteinberg account but doesn’t bother to look at your full licence list.
It has ZERO idea what’s installed or if anything needs updating


you still need 3 ADDITIONAL bits of separate and UNLINKED software to manage your account and licences
Steinberg Activation Manager
Elicenser Control Center
Steinberg Library Manager

It it’s improving then it’s doing so at a glacial rate (IMO)

It’s not the worst download assistant I’ve seen but it’s pretty near the bottom of the list - maybe 2nd from bottom ?

Anyway it’s been mentioned many times on this forum - and the last official response I saw from Steinberg (some time ago) - was that it was all working great and there was zero problems :smiley:

It’s just a software downloader. But not an Assistant since it requires the user to determine what needs to be updated or installed.