Download Problem CUBASE LE

bonjour . j’ai acheté il y a quelques temps un R24 (Recorder:interface:controller:sampler) avec cet achat j’ai eu un Downoad acces code pour telecharger CUBASE LE.

j’ai même recu un code d’activation, mais je n’arrive pas à télécharger le logiciel.

ou est le problème selon vous ?

Hello .
I bought some time ago an R24 (Recorder: interface: controller: sampler) with this purchase I got a Downoad access code to download CUBASE LE.

I even received an activation code, but I am unable to download the software. where do you think the problem is?

Thank you

Hi and welcome,

Sorry, this is an English forum.

It depends on the Cubase LE version, you got. Cubase LE 9.5 and higher, you can download from the Steinberg Download Assistant.

If you have license for any older version, let me know, I will send you the link.

Good morning. I do not know the version of Cubase LE that is proposed to me. when I bought my audio equipment I only received the Download acces code .


Once you activate it, you will see the exact license in the eLCC application.

Hello Martin.
to follow our exchange. I have the download access code. as a result I also received the activation code. my problem is that I can’t activate the software because it doesn’t download. as a result I can’t know the model of the software or its license.
Thank you for your patience. Jean‑claude

Did you downloaded the “Steinberg Download Assistant”
Did you copied the download access code into the field?
Make sure it is not the activation code.

Where is your download access key stored?


You don’t need Cubase installed to be able to activate it. Download eLCC application and Activate your license by using the ActivationCode, please. Then you would know, what Cubase license do you have and you can download and install it.


Once you do this, Steinberg Download Assistant would show you the specific Cubase version only, if I’m right.