Drag and drop not working on plug ins

Hi guys, ive searched on here and there has been a few things on this but i dont get the answers.

im using windows 10 with cubase 13 pro but this problem was the same with cubase 10,11 and 12 and never got to the bottom of it but it seriously causes a creative block in my work flow.

i can drag audio from my desktop fine into cubase but when i open a plug in such as serato sample, i open the plugin, it asks for file search or drag and drop , when i pick up an audio fine in my cubase project window and drag it to the plug in it just does not drop.

any one else have a fix for this or have these problems ?

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Make sure, you are not starting Cubase as administrator, please.

Hi, no im not in administration mode…

this happened a few versions back , im not sure if its a windows thing but its the same on my friends studio computer too .

i can drag and drop audio and midi files into cubase but not drag audio from cubase onto the serato sample plug in so i have to save the same out of cubase and then find it through the file system which is counter intuitive on the creative process.

ive been trying to find solution for ages online

I have the same issue on Cubase 14 on MacOs with Serato Sample. I created this thread here.

It is working with Cubase 13 on the same machine though.

The drag and drop functionality is really strange. For instance I can even drag and drop audio from the sequencer timeline to Cableguys Snapback plugin like you can do with Steinberg Plugins like Padshop, but not on any other third party plugin.