Drawn notes in Key Editor don't appear

I really love working with notation, but I also really love working in the piano roll. I love Dorico for allowing me to work with both effectively. Aside from a couple of QOL issues (unable to pan with middle-mouse), it works perfectly fine.

Except for one thing.

More often than not, but seemingly randomly (so making it difficult to provide exact reproduction steps), notes drawn into the Key Editor appear only as ghost notes and do not appear in the score itself. Regardless of which voice is selected. I also cannot edit or delete these notes, but they will disappear when the view changes (such as going to another flow).

This happens most often when I jump to a different staff or flow, especially if it’s a newly-created flow. Adding a single note in the score (as shown in the screenshot below), or switching voices, also doesn’t seem to be a consistent solution—sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Once the editor “captures” the notes again, then it stops happening for that staff/flow.

I’ve checked for any options that might affect this, such as voices, but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

Thanks very much for this - I can reproduce it here. it looks like a bug to me, and I’ve logged it for one of our developers to look at.

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