Ever since I installed the first version of VST Live 2.0 there have been dropouts when playing back my imported audio files into Tracks. The following updates have not solved that issue. The drop outs appear randomly and stay for just a second or two but still they are very anoying. Anyone having a clue about this åroblem and how to solve it?
… which version exactly are you running of VST Live 2? Be sure that you are running the latest Pre-Release. Find out more here.
I’m running the latest prerelease 2.1.6. The drop-out problem has stayed exactley the same since my installation of the first 2.0 version
BR Matts
It happened to me this summer too. Now it hasn’t happened to me anymore.
You also had interruptions in the backing tracks but the tempo continued to go correctly? Like someone muted them and then unmuted?
Yes these interruptions in backing tracks are very anoying. What did you do to make them stop?
Would you mind to send us your project file, just the .vlprj file, no audio etc needed? Then we can possibly figure out what might cause this. Also some description of your system (OS, audio interface, buffer size (latency) etc), any hint can help.
Are you using DMX or automation? Then try “Reduce data” on those clips in edit menu.
To narrow the problem, try to disable other tracks, plugins etc, and watch the CPU meter when dropouts occur, does it turn red?
Just playing audio tracks pretty much never fails, so there must be something else causing this. Also we had a problem with cut audio events (clips), but that was fixed in 2.1.6.
I see the same issue, not with audio files, but with complex drum tracks linked to Groove Agent 5 full version (‘moved’ from GrooveAgent via drag&drop into VSTLive.
No change thoughout all weekly versions.
Could not be a ‘easy to find’ CPU load thing - Intel 14700K on Aorus motherboard, CPU load about 15% max., 64gb RAM
Drop out are random, where they appear and when, always about 1 sec long, but not always as long as the ‘event’ before. Sometimes no dropouts, sometimes more dropouts.
No difference if the project is loaded via M.2 SSD or via NAS.
Sounds a little bit like a ‘buffer overflow’ and ‘garbage collection’
I am currently looking to learn more on ‘Intel core parking services’ to see if it is caused by processor core logics, maybe root cause is there.
I imagine there are less dropouts on freshly booted PC and first loaded VSTLive project, than if you have loaded a few projects before.
I keep you posted when I found our more
Sorry for a late replay but I’ve been away for a couple of days. However please find enclosed the requested file. I’m running VST Live on a laptop with Windows 11 version 24H2. Processor is 11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz and my RAM is 32 GB. I’m using a Behringer X18 Air as audio interface set to 128 buffer size with 4,5 ms latency. I don’t use DMX automation or any other automation. My main controller is an Arturia KeyLab 88 Mk II. I also have a secondary controller, an AKAI MidiMix for controlling mainly the mixer section in VST Live. I have not experienced any CPU problems what so ever.
BR Matts
XAir18.vlprj (961 KB)
Tried your project, replaced audiofiles, 128 samples, no problems whatsoever.
The only “obstacle” is Addictive, but cannot check that currently, and it’s very unlikely but you may want to try to exclude it to see if it makes a difference.
Do you have a specific Song where this happens, and also when exactly does it happen, just in the middle of a Song or…?
Also please check with the next upcoming version, we did fix some problems with clips not playing.
Do you have multi core support enabled? If so try disabling it and see if the problem is solved.
Thanks for your quick replay. The interuptions occur randomly in everysong I have loaded as my playlist. There are no specific song and the cuts, when they appear, appears randomly. Sometimes in the beginning of a song, and sometimes somewhere in the song, or both.
I made a test just now playing one song where the VST instrument Addictive keys by XLN Audio also is loaded and there was a cut just after the beginning ofthe backing track. Then I changed the VST instrument to one issued by Arturia and there was an interruption just after the begining av the same backing track. So I don’t the the VST instrument realy causes the problem. I have a long experince with Addictive keys and it has always been very stable and relayable.
I have also upgraded my VST Live to the 2.1.7 version and the problem remains.
BR Matts
Not sure what we can do anymore. Are those specific audio files? Where did those originate? Are you using a magnetic drive?
We agree that neither your system specs nor the plugins are to be suspected, so what else can we do?
What if you create a new project, remove the Layer so to exclude any plugins, import an audio file and play back - still dropouts? And finally, pls try the next version if you have more complex audio events (clips) arrangements.
Thanks for your replay. And yes I know this is a vierd problem. The audio files are regular mp3 files, loaded from my laptop storage. I don’t use any magnetic drive. I have now also created a new project according to your suggestion and everything went well until I loaded a song with an VST organ B3 from Arturia. Then the audio clips returned. I have several Arturia VST instruments for instance their lovely Wurlitzer V2 and every other Arturia works well, it’s only the B3 organ that hassles. Of course I have to test this further but this was the imediate recognition and to me it’s a draw back since the B3 is maybe one of the best Hammond VST instruments on the market. But now when I’ve got this clue about what is causing the clips I can try to find a work around. Maybe you also with this information will be able to find a permanent solution.
BR Matts
@skraken Suggestion:-
In your most problematic song, convert your MP3 files to WAV, at the same sample rate you use in your Audio Interface, and then bring them into a new Song in a new Project.
For the conversion you can use Audacity (which is free), or you can bring the files into your favourite DAW and export them.
Does that make any difference ?