Drum machine won't appear

My drum machine won’t appear. I installed a drum track and tap the open/close tab and nothing is appearing. It’s installed. I have the Chord pads. No worries. Download Assistant downloaded it like everything else but i will not appear. “Everything else works fine”

Have you checked the Lower Zone/Drum Machine?

That’s the drum machine I’m talking about. I installed the drum track too. Groove agent is fine. I’ve done everything.

And once again… :wink:

This IS the Lower Zone / Drum Machine

Yes. Twice. And Restarted my PC & Cubase pro 14 twice. Didn’t work. I reloaded it with download assistant twice. Nothing. It’s the only thing that’s not working correctly. My PC has the storage so that’s not the problem either.

Okay, sorry.
Can you post a screenshot of your Lower Zone, please?

how to take a picture?

On Windows press the Windows Key + Shift + S and circle around the area (in this case the opened Lower Zone and its bottom) and close it. Paste it in your post and you are good to go.



I’ll figure it out. As you can see it’s just a weird problem. You’re going to ask me if I did things I tried already. I’ll call support Monday. Your guess is as good as mine. C’ya

Okay, so you have already tried to start Cubase with preferences disabled? Good, you ruled out that your preferences got messed up.
Good luck!
Nice choice of colour btw :innocent:

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Solution found :). From the download assistant I used D: drive because it has more space than C: - Big mistake. I didn’t know that until I tried to uninstall it. This popped up: file not found on- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Steinberg Cubase 14, So I reinstalled Cubase and Drum machine where it was supposed to be on C: IT WORKED! (I will delete the old mistakes) It’s odd because everything else in Cubase 14 was downloaded on D: From Download Assistant and everything works okay. I checked. I have lots of clear space on C: out of 149gb. There’s 59.4gb. leftover. If something goes wrong at least I know how to fix it now. Take Care