Drum Maps for Abbey Road Drummer 60/70/80/Modern/Studio

Dude you are a gentleman and a scholar, thanks a bunch for these, they work like a charm! :mrgreen:

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Thank you kind sir.

Hello World :wink:

I have updated the drum maps I have added the “Abbey Road 70s Open Kit” and “Abbey Road 70s Tight Kit”, as well as the “EZDrummer Twisted”.
ZIP files in the links are updated, so all download links remain valid.: Drum Maps for Cubase – b e r n b r i c h . d e

Happy drumming & have a good time :slight_smile:

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Hi there again

after some bucks spending for additional EZ Drummer ESXs :grin:, I have updated the Cubase DrumMaps:
Additions are:

  • Drumkit from Hell
  • Funkmasters
  • Rock Solid
  • Big Rock Drums

Here is the link to the post on my site: Drum Maps for Cubase – b e r n b r i c h . d e
Direct Access to the NEW ZIP files (others remain unchanged):

Have fun :slight_smile: