I put a drum set in my score but no sound from it, while other instruments will play.
In the attached video you see that I am playing those notes, although unfortunately the orange captions are outside the recorded frame. The captions highlight the current instrument of the drum set, the notes are for Bass drum (natural) and Snare drum (natural).
I inputted the notes opening the panel below.
I realized also that Groove Agent opened unexpectedly, at least for me. It happened in a moment I cannot know exactly.
Now it is freezed but Dorico still works, is it related to the drums not having sound?
How to solve?
I opened “recent activities view” on Windows and I realized there was a dialog window opened, that asks for locating missing samples on the computer.
I closed it but still no sound from the drumset.
I guess you have no sound exactly because Dorico cannot find the samples. Excpet when you exactly knwo where they are, it is probably best to locate the samples or reinstall Groove Agent SE asa whole using the Steinberg Assistant rather then trying to find them while in Dorico.
I just added the drumset, and also if a new project is created, from Jazz-trio template i.e., I get the same issue.
I thought Dorico should have the drumset sounds among the others.
I suppose I have to install Groove Agent kits fom the installer, althouh I find difficult to choose what to download, being that the Download Assistant UI is not good:
as you can see I have a tiny window to see the options, there are many. No description for any of that.
On the left-hand side in SDA, find Dorico Elements 5 in the Dorico category. On the right-hand side, check that you have installed Groove Agent SE 5 – Content (Recommended).
Alternatively, in Dorico Elements, go to Play > Playback Template, and choose a playback template that doesn’t include GASE in its name.
I am interested in adding a drumset to orchestra so I add the instrument and choose it from unpitched percussions, I have drumset basic or full.
Shouldn’t those two instruments be part of Dorico, instead of downloading 6Gb of data? (I am using my phone data)
And what template has the normal drumset instead, should I start a new project?
Correct, GA is optional. Please try one of the Factory playback templates that doesn’t include Groove Agent SE (GASE) in the list.
Main Menu: Play/Playback Templates…
I performed the change, and applied, but then the application crashes, that is, it freezes. I made some attempts.
After closing also GASE that opened randomly, although I have the right playback template, and after having to reboot the PC and relying on a restored project, now I have the drumset sounding like bells.
I realize that Groove Agent is lurking in the background, so I close its dialog and then the application.
I try to change the drumset instrument in Dorico but the menu entry is greyed out.
I solved by removing the drumset and adding it again. But now I have another problem, a very low note is playing everywhere. It reminds me that there was a baritone sax part I deleted yesterday, but I do not see it anywhere, so this time I do not know what to delete.
If I close the project and reopen it the creepy note is there.
I have to say that every time I load the project, still GASE opens (it is not easily spotted because it opens behind the Dorico app, and a dialog opens, so it is in a special state).
Now I realized that many instruments are playing as bari sax and with wrong notes.
I see that instruments are scrambled, that is, they sound as other instruments. I checked in the setup mode but the assignments are right.
I think the main problem is the horn and clarinet. So the horn sounds like a clarinet, and the clarinet produces two sounds, both belong to bari sax, one is from the notated music, the other is the very low note.
I think it is better not to mess with GASE!
The very low note that is playing somewhere will be a key switch note from an expression map that is not suitable for the sound you have chosen manually in the VST plug-in. When you make a change in a VST plug-in window, Dorico gets no information back from the plug-in to know that you have made a change.
So the expression map that Dorico chooses automatically for the sound that it loads for you may no longer apply. Once you have identified the instrument making the unwanted low note, in the Routing section of the Track Inspector panel in Play mode, change the Ex. map drop-down to something suitable – start with Default.
Thank you.
The low note is issued by the clarinet part, but it is sounding like bari sax. The clarinet part itself is sounding like a bari sax.
I had a bari sax part that I removed.
But this issue did not start then, yet it started when I removed the drumset with no sound (as per thread title) and assigned a new drumset that is not from GASE.
How you can see in the video attached to the previous post most instruments are scrambled, that is they sound as another instrument that is close to them on the staff.
I think I have to try exporting as MusicXml and recreating the project, re-importing or copy/pasting the music for each instruments from a project to the other.
Just to see if it works again.
There is some issue for sure in these areas (for the developers):
-GASE problems
-removing instrument problems
-changing instrument problems
-percussion playing problems
This thread provides information in the correct order of events. Maybe it is useful.
If you posted a Diagnostic Report or a segment of your Dorico file itself, that would make it easier to diagnose the problem you are facing.
This is a reduced version of the project, you can notice that instruments are scrambled and that strange notes from articulation programming are also played.
Some instruments sounds like themselves, other like other kind of instruments.
The order of the operations that were done is in this thread from the beginning.
I think that the old GASE drumset is still present in the drumset instruments, while new non-GASE drumset is assigned to the organ part. But there is a general scrambling too.
scrambled_instruments.dorico (3.4 MB)
Thanks for attaching the project. If you choose Play > Playback Template and select Iconica Sketch, Olympus Micro, HALion Sonic Selection and click Apply and Close, everything will be straightened out.
Thank you
It worked, although the template had been correctly set before. So there was an intermediate scrambled state, and I had to “Apply and Close” again as suggested.
I think it is matter for the developers to figure out.
Even though the same template is set, because you can make adjustments in the Routing section of the Track Inspector panel in Play mode, if you make such adjustments yourself, re-applying the playback template allows you to get back to the default state where Dorico knows what’s going on. As I explained earlier in the thread, when you make manual adjustments in the VST plug-ins yourself, Dorico cannot know about those changes, so Dorico’s knowledge of what sounds are assigned to which instruments becomes out of date (you had, for example, manually loaded a saxophone sound in HALion Sonic, but hadn’t changed the expression map accordingly).
Re-applying the playback template brings everything back into sync, removing your manual edits.