I just realized the Inspector is not showing the right Group for the Drum Track (Machine) sub-channels. It shows the Group chosen for the main instrument channel in all separate outputs.
Changing routing for the separate outputs is changing the main output in reality. The inspector also shows the wrong routing overall.
Routing works properly in the Mixer.
- Insert Drum Track - default output is Stereo Out
- Add something to pads and assign separate outputs for them in the Drum (machine)
- Now let’s say there’s the Main Drum channel “Drum Machine 01” + "Kick "channel
- Select Kick and route it to let’s say ‘Group B’ in the Inspector window
- Open Mixer and see that now the “Drum Machine 01” is assigned to ‘Group B’ but “Kick” is not
- In the Mixer select Stereo Out for the “Drum Machine 01”
- Go to Inspector and see that it shows all the outputs assigned to ‘Group B’
It’s completely messed up
Mac Mini M2 Sequoia, Cubase Pro 14 (latest)