Hi Dorico team!
Is there a built-in function where you can select parts of a score and duplicate it to a new flow?
I’ve encountered the need for this quite a lot and if this function does not exist, it is one I would love to see in a future update.
No: but you can of course create a new flow and just copy-paste the music in.
If the individual parts are not too long and there isn’t too many flows, you can just duplicate as much as you want, and then you can delete in the flows the not desired sections. It works very well for me transcribing a bunch of little exercises from Finale (where all are in one flow, to say).
No: but you can of course create a new flow and just copy-paste the music in.
If the individual parts are not too long and there isn’t too many flows, you can just duplicate as much as you want, and then you can delete in the flows the not desired sections. It works very well for me transcribing a bunch of little exercises from Finale (where all are in one flow, to say).
Thank you for your suggestions, but I’m looking for a function to avoid doing this. It takes up much time and disrupts the workflow, specifically for larger projects and/or with many collaborators.
The quickest way to do this at the moment would be to duplicate the flow, then use the system track or the Shift+B popover to remove the parts you don’t want to keep.